How should “constitutional officers” be selected?
How should constitutional officers, like Superintendent of Education, be chosen? That’s the topic of a study by the state LWV that we’ll be discussing at our Spring Meeting. Be a part of the discussion and preparation of our view to the state League for consideration.
Member File: Hanaa Khan
Meet Hanaa Kahn. She’s in her second year at Greenville Tech High School and has been interning with the League. She’s creative and engaged and just getting started!
Dive deeper into school censorship
Learn more about the intentions and impact of educational censorship. Read more about this virtual event.
Greenville students spend MLK Day of Service registering voters
Greenville Tech Charter High School student Hanaa Kahn organized a group of students to do voter registration at Belks on MLK Day. Read about her experience.
Action Alert: Statewide book ban regulation
A regulation proposed by state Superintendent of Education Ellen Weaver would be the most extensive book banning proposal in the country, according to the ACLU. What can you do? Check it out.
SC Presidential Primaries
Registration information, early voting locations, and Election Day locations.
December School Board Meeting
The Greenville County School Board meeting is tomorrow night.
November School Board Meeting
The Greenville County School Board meeting is tomorrow night.
October School Board Meeting
The Greenville County School Board meeting is tomorrow night.
2023 Municipal Elections
Six Upstate cities have elections this year. Find who who’s running, when they are, how to file if you’re interested in running, and where to confirm or complete your voter registration.