Balancing parental rights and academic freedom
Join us for a discussion on balancing parental rights and academic freedom.

Dive deeper into school censorship
Learn more about the intentions and impact of educational censorship. Read more about this virtual event.

Action Alert: Statewide book ban regulation
A regulation proposed by state Superintendent of Education Ellen Weaver would be the most extensive book banning proposal in the country, according to the ACLU. What can you do? Check it out.

How you can take action against censorship
Do you have a problem with censorship? Want to do something about it? Here are four suggested actions you can take. All of them relate to what has been going on with Greenville County public libraries and its governing body, the Greenville County Library Board of Trustees.

Act to stop book bans in Greenville County
The Greenville County Council prepares to vote on a resolution to ban certain books from the county’s libraries. We need you to act today to let them know this is unacceptable. Get info and act.