The Issues
Each year, we re-evaluate our issue priorities. We consult with members, gather suggestions and then vote. The priorities we select determine where we, as an all-volunteer organization, put the majority of our time and effort. Priorities will be the focus of programs, events, and actions.
Below are our priority areas for 2024-25. Where applicable there are links to related content, events, and information. There’s also contact information if you want to get involved in any of these crucial areas.
Click on the + to expand for more information.
Voter Services promotes citizen participation by providing nonpartisan, objective information on governmental issues and elections though publications, voter registration drives, and community activities. Join the voter services committee to help increase our voter registration/voter education. Contact Susan D'Amato.
Vote411 is a project sponsored by the national League. Its goal is to give people online the information they need to participate in the voting process, including information about registration and candidates for election. Local leagues participate by reaching out to our local candidates for information to include in the Vote411 voter guide. Candidates are asked questions about themselves, their goals and priorities. Anyone interested in more information about this project can contact Catherine Cuneo.
The League of Women Voters South Carolina supports public state-supported education at all levels that is high quality, effective, equitable, fully funded, and accountable. In response, this committee observes topics concerning governance, funding, and effective education that impacts the local community. Join the League of Women Voters of Greenville County’s Public Education Committee to help inform the community of short- and long-term issues that influence the field in a non-partisan manner. Contact Sharda Jackson Smith.
The Greenville Chapter's DEI vision is to:
— Embrace and embody diversity, equity, and inclusion as inextricable from the mission to empower voters and defend democracy.
— Engage in purposeful action to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion beyond words.
— Commit at the individual and collective level to being more self-aware and understanding of diverse perspectives and experiences.
— Be known for being relevant, diverse, equitable, and inclusive — inside and out.
The actions we take to enact our vision are:
— Update Greenville Chapter Website with DEI policy, definitions, and initiatives.
— Add DEI committee report at each board meeting.
— Review nominations for board members through a DEI lens.
— Share resources about diversity, equity, and inclusion with members.
— Maintain student intern position and promote student membership for engagement of youth in LWV.
— Coordinate with diverse organizations and persons of influence.
Check out resources and information from the state and national LWV.Learn more and get involved by emailing Susan Bell.
At the national and state level, the League of Women Voters has many policies designed to support gender equity, including support for reproductive freedom, the ratification of the equal rights amendment, pay equity, and much more. Many of these are under direct attack in South Carolina currently, making education and advocacy for gender equity issues both timely and critical.
Join our 21st Century fight for women’s rights by contacting Laura Haight.