Member File
We are only as good as our members. Members who register voters. Members who help on our committees. Members who advocate for issues of importance and help others to understand them.
The Member File will introduce you to some of our members with new posts appearing monthly. We hope you’ll see yourself in the picture they paint.
Meet Hanaa Kahn. She’s in her second year at Greenville Tech High School and has been interning with the League. She’s creative and engaged and just getting started!
Meet Wendy Green. Creator of the “Hey, Boomer” podcast and passionate defender of voting rights and women’s rights. She’s a certified coach in change leadership. And don’t we need that! Get to know her.
Meet Linda Derector. A dyed-in-the-wool New Yorker adapting to the New South. Linda is active in social issues and can always be counted on to stand up for the under-represented and under-privileged. Read more Linda.
Meet Stephanie Wildrick. A two-year LWV member, her passions include food, travel, and advocacy. Get to know her.
Long-time League member and leader, Jo Singer has been active in five different cities in three different states, had a successful career, raised a family, and learned to make Italian dishes - in Italy. Get to know her.
The Supreme Court ruling on Roe v Wade brought Layne Rosati to the LWV. She’s young and busy but finding ways to fight for important issues. Find out more.
Meet Shenita Sanders, a life coach and therapist who aims to start a non profit to help us talk to each other. Wow!
Meet Ted Volskay, who devotes himself to fighting for the environment.
LWV isn’t just for women. Guys care about defending democracy too. Meet Don Earl.
Meet our members in the monthly Member File. Starting today with Jan Woodward.
Two former military members relate their experiences in uniform as the League and the nation celebrate Veterans Day. Read more about Betty Haynes and Kristin Burrell.
Meet Mark Songer. He’s a League veteran but new to Greenville. And activist and avid birder, Mark also volunteers time to help the board out with financials. Check out his deets!