Member File: Linda Derector
The Deets
With her Brazilian partner for 30 years
No children
Two dogs (a self-described “animal freak”)
Retired from a career in fashion sales in New York City, where she lived for 40 years
Grew up on Long Island
Enjoys shopping, fashion and lifestyle, movies, travel, animals and attending and hosting parties that bring people together
Moved here in 2018 (“on the way to Charleston”) on the Eastside.
Registers voters and has been on the membership committee of the LWV of Greenville
Linda Derector
What brought you to the LWV in Greenville?
When I first moved to Greenville I didn’t know anyone here so I joined the Greenville County Democratic Party, the Democratic Women of Greenville County, and the League of Women Voters, all with an idea to meet like-minded people. I’ve indeed met great people and made some great friends through these organizations. I have so much respect for the League and what it does.
What would you like to see Greenville LWV do in the next year or so?
The League does a good job here. There’s a lot to do and it’s important to be mindful about focus and not spreading resources too thinly. I’d like to see the League continue its outreach to underserved communities and people in the County.
What is the most surprising/interesting thing you’ve learned from being in the LWV?
How much integrity there is here! Living in a place where the need for improvement is clear, you realize how vital the League is for women and the community. I like that as a non-partisan organization, the League focuses on issues that affect everyone.
What is your favorite thing to do in this area?
Spanish, because it’s a globally useful language; then French, for the beauty of it.
If money and time were not constraints, what would you spend your time doing?
Watching TV and shopping.
The Member File is produced by Jo Anne Hennigan. Interested in sharing? Reach out to her.