How should “constitutional officers” be selected?
How should constitutional officers, like Superintendent of Education, be chosen? That’s the topic of a study by the state LWV that we’ll be discussing at our Spring Meeting. Be a part of the discussion and preparation of our view to the state League for consideration.

Boards and Commissions
The application period for Greenville city and county boards and commissions is open. There are several good reasons you should consider applying. Councilwoman and League member Dorothy Dowe explains.

The status of post-Roe abortion in SC
The Supreme Court has sent Roe back to the states. South Carolina is taking up a full abortion ban beginning with hearings July 7. Every voice is needed to fight back. This Action Alert explains how.

2022 Legislative Update: The Winners and Losers
State League advocates Lynn Teague and Janelle Rivers assess the winners and losers coming out of the 2022 State Legislative session. It was a wild ride.