Balancing parental rights and academic freedom
Join us for a discussion on balancing parental rights and academic freedom.

Dive deeper into school censorship
Learn more about the intentions and impact of educational censorship. Read more about this virtual event.

Action Alert: Statewide book ban regulation
A regulation proposed by state Superintendent of Education Ellen Weaver would be the most extensive book banning proposal in the country, according to the ACLU. What can you do? Check it out.

December School Board Meeting
The Greenville County School Board meeting is tomorrow night.

November School Board Meeting
The Greenville County School Board meeting is tomorrow night.

October School Board Meeting
The Greenville County School Board meeting is tomorrow night.

September School Board Meeting
The Greenville County School Board meeting is tomorrow night.

Reversing COVID Brain Drain
Leading educators and advocates discuss ways to reverse the “brain drain” students experienced during the pandemic.

Diverting public ed funds to private schools
Break’s over. Time to pick up the phone and call your state senator regarding a bill that would redirect state education funds to private and religious schools. This legislation - a revamp of a similar effort from last session - is likely to pass with the Senate supermajority. But our suggestions will limit the damage.