Call My Name: How Clemson was built
A sixth generation South Carolinian, Dr. Rhondda Thomas leads the effort to unearth and document the story of enslaved African Americans, who built what we now know as Clemson University. Read More and Register.

December Meeting and Holiday Social
Join us for our Winter meeting and Holiday Social on Dec. 12.

Balancing parental rights and academic freedom
Join us for a discussion on balancing parental rights and academic freedom.

Is 2024 the year the ERA becomes a reality?
The ERA could be enshrined in the Constitution this year. Surprised? If you missed our ERA program, you can still view the online replay. Check it out.

The League needs you
Want to protect democracy? We need more volunteers to maximize our efforts. Come to our meeting to learn more.

Dive deeper into school censorship
Learn more about the intentions and impact of educational censorship. Read more about this virtual event.

2023 Candidate Forums
Our League is sponsoring two candidate forums: for Greenville and Simpsonville races. Find out more.

Ax the Tax
We’re on the cusp of notching a win for women in South Carolina: The removal of the “pink tax” on feminine hygiene products and diapers. Find out why this is so important and what you can do to help make it happen.

Reversing COVID Brain Drain
Leading educators and advocates discuss ways to reverse the “brain drain” students experienced during the pandemic.