Early voting for all now in SC
Legislation passed in May 2022 gives SC voters the ability to vote early without an excuse for the first time. There are some other changes that may affect your decision on how to vote. Lynn Teague runs through them here.
Why primaries matter
Primary elections are often overlooked, but in many states - like South Carolina - the primary is the most important election. LWV GC co-president Lawson Wetli explains why.
2021 Accomplishments
2021 was a successful year for the Greenville League, bringing in signifcant numbers of new members, and sponsoring important programming on public education/civics, and Diversity, Equity and Inculsion.
What do kids learn about civics?
Do kids even learn civics anymore? They do. And in this program Dr. Rebecca Muller and Dr. Sharda Jackson Smith talk about what the educational standards are, and how legislation in Columbia this session could impact the curriculum.