Rally Reflections

Linda Derector, a member of the Greenville League, attended the July 7, 2022 rally at the State House that coincided with a hearing on a total, “no-excuse” abortion ban under consideration. These are her observations.

By Linda Derector
LWVGC member

On July 7, 2022, it was 100+ degrees when I went to Columbia to attend the Ad Hoc Committee hearing on reproductive rights, or lack thereof.

I had received emails from the League of Women Voters, WREN, and Planned Parenthood, to name a few, touting the importance of attending this event. As a woman of certain age, this draconian law, H5399, will not affect my life or my future. Yet, I am furious that a woman’s right to govern her personal life has been removed and that she is once again considered a second-class citizen. We’ve gone back 100 years.

I arrived early hoping for an opportunity to testify. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. I understand – although I can’t verify – that they were selective in their choice of speakers.

The highlight of this rally for me was a strong presence of young, childbearing-aged women. I learned from these youthful activists about the existence of so called “medical” clinics in SC that promote themselves as providers of abortion and maternal health counseling. The fine print on their websites indicate that they do not provide abortion help. In truth, they are quid pro quo kinds of places, i.e. if you attend religious services they will provide some care for you and your child after birth. These “clinics’ are conservative, pro-life organizations and receive state funding, unlike Planned Parenthood. I met a group firsthand. I can still be shocked.

WREN and Planned Parenthood both had a presence outside the State House. They offered lunch, some shade, cold drinks, and lots of speakers sharing encouraging messages.  

The thing is: At the end of the day I felt let down, disappointed. I’ve had some time to reflect on this and I realize why. I did wish the turnout was better. My malaise was the realization that nothing we did that day would change the outcome of the passing of this law. 

BUT I’ve pivoted. When one considers:

·       It took the abortion opponents 50 years of chipping away at Roe to finally realize this goal.

·       It has taken Gabby Giffords 11 years of hard work and fierce determination to restore her ability to walk, to talk, and to independently function.

·       We still have a long way to go on equal rights for people of color.

·       The suffragists fought for nearly 100 years to win the right to vote for women.

My point is, we simply must not give up! As difficult as it may be, we need to show up at rallies, write letters, get the vote out for people who share our beliefs. This will be a long and difficult fight but what are our options?


Action Alert: Stop the SC abortion bans


Choice advocates stand up as SC legislature eyes total ban