League of Women Voters of Greenville County

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Is 2024 the year the ERA becomes a reality?

Our ERA event was held on Sept. 12.
The full replay of the event is available for viewing online.

The Equal Rights Amendment has been around for longer than most of us think, and is closer to being enshrined in the Constitution than most of us know. We are currently just four congressional signatures away from a vote that many advocates believe would end with the amendment’s approval this year.

For the 169 million women in the US, this is not inconsequential, especially when we consider some of the legislative action on reproductive rights, health care, and more that’s occurred in the past few years. How will that be influenced if women’s rights are finally enshrined in the Constitution?

To raise awareness, we presented a program on the history and current status of the ERA at Furman University.

Our three speakers discussed the fascinating history of the fight for equal rights and the current event unfolding in Congress that could make this a reality. There are even ways we can all play a part in pushing this over the finish line.

Speakers :

  • Authors/researchers Camille Lewis, professor at Furman (above center), and Melody Lehn (above right), professor at the University of the South in Tennessee, will discuss their book: One Hundred Years of Women Debating the Equal Rights Amendment: An Anthology, 1923-2023, which is scheduled to be published this fall.

  • Melinda Hamilton (above left), co-chair of public policy for the SC chapter of the American Association of University Women, will bring us up to speed on the current legislation.

A replay of the event is available online.